
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et


Etiam at risus et justo dignissim congue. Donec congue lacinia


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Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

What is Sleep Apnea and It’s Treatment

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Ahmed Malik

What is Sleep Apnea and It’s Treatment

What is Sleep Apnea and It's TreatmentSleep apnea is common condition that poses huge health risk and that is marked by breathing pauses whilst sleeping. These pauses can happen up to seven and more times per every hour, and the duration of the pauses could be ten or twenty seconds or perhaps longer. In case you have been identified as having sleep apnea, the first thing that you need to make certain is to acknowledge the fact that you have to treat this serious health problem.

The Sleep Apnea Treatment available can certainly help in curing it. However, before understanding the treatments it is very important to know what Sleep Apnea is. Actually, in the word sleep apnea, Apnea is a Greek word meaning without breath.


Sleep apnea can also be caused by irritants that constrict the sinuses. Chamomile is really a gentle herb known for causing sleepiness, and in addition it effectively soothes irritated sinuses. Chamomile tea includes a pleasant and comforting taste, too, and is a healthy alternative to an alcoholic night cap.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol before bed loosens throat muscles and results in breathing obstructions that cause sleep apnea. Cut out all alcohol within three to four hours of sleep. Ironically enough, some over-the-counter sleep aids can also increase the risk of obstructive sleep apnea simply because they also loosen throat muscles.

Stop Smoking

Avoid tobacco products because smoking irritates the liner of the mouth and throat and increases allergic reactions. Allergies increase the risk of sleep apnea if the throat and mouth are inflamed and irritated.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to lessen inflammation of the sinuses. Consider using a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus inside a basin of hot water and inhale the steam before going to bed. Lavender oil also has a calming smell that can help with going to sleep. The steam may also soothe irritated throat and mouth tissues.

Sleeping Position

Sleep apnea symptoms can be reduced by resting on your side instead of the back. The throat muscles won’t collapse and obstruct the environment passage. To keep yourself from resting on your back, put a tennis ball within the back pocket of your pajamas, which can make rolling onto your back uncomfortable.

Yoga Poses to Fight Depression and Anxiety

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Yoga Poses to Fight Depression and Anxiety

Yoga Poses

The mind, body and spirit are connected and when a person is affected with mild depression or anxiety, your body is out of balance. Yoga is really a series of stretches that helps bring good balance to the body; not just focusing on the body’s health, but additionally on the mind and spirit. Always consult a physician if you are having ongoing feelings of depression or anxiety and prior to trying any new exercise program.

Child Pose

Child pose is probably the most comforting yoga pose. It may bring groundedness and humility and quiet towards the body. For those suffering from anxiety, it may create peace and silence.

Fish Pose

Fish pose is really a terrific pose for opening the center. Opening the heart with back-bending yoga positions is considered to not only expand the ribcage to own lungs more room to breathe, but to spread out the spiritual heart center. Opening the center, or stretching the chest, eases respiration, relieves stress by unclogging the strain in the tissue in the core.

Cat Pose

The multi-step asana that resembles the stretching of the cat, helps with relaxation. It’s good for bringing awareness towards the breathing exercise which is usually an issue when one is anxious. it may soften and slow down the procedure for being anxious.

Yoga Poses


Backbends are usually quite advanced and could be very stimulating. However, Brower recommends a back bend done on the roll. It can help you open the heart and free up the power that’s blocked there.


Bridge pose is really a backbend that strengthens the legs, opens the chest area, and stimulates the abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid. Supported bridge, completed with a block under your sacrum, is really a nourishing restorative version.

Know The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

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Know The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea Benefits
On a cold, wintry day there’s nothing like a steaming, aroma-filled cup of ginger tea to warm you up and awaken your senses. Ginger is definitely best remembered as medicinal herb across the globe. Due to its vast health advantages, ginger tea would be among the best forms of consuming this herb and also have made people to rely on it for many of the cures.

Reduce Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea are very well known and make it a perfect home remedy for muscle and joint pain. In addition to drinking ginger tea, it could also be useful to use as a topical soak on inflamed joints along with other body parts.

Fight Respiratory Problems

Ginger tea might help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Consider using a cup of ginger tea for that respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.

Improve Blood Flow

The vitamins, minerals and proteins in ginger tea might help restore and improve blood flow that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger prevents fat from depositing within the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.

Relieve Nausea

Among the best-known benefits of ginger tea is being able to combat nausea. Drinking a mug of ginger tea before traveling might help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Should you did not drink ginger tea before you decide to became nauseous, drink a mug of ginger tea at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.

Improve Stomach Performance

Ginger teas are very useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food. This benefit may also prevent belching and bloating after consuming too much. In some people, ginger tea has a positive impact on appetite.

Discover The Benefits Health Of Palm Oil

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Discover The Benefits Health Of Palm Oil

Palm Oil Benefits

Palm Oil Benefits

Palm oil, a part of the vegetable oil family, is really the nutrition-packed beneficial fat source that may supply number of health benefits towards the body. Palm oil is really a rich source of saturated essential fatty acids and natural chemical compounds but it’s good for the overall health and nutrition. Palm oil is really a natural source of vitamin E & carotenoids along with fatty acids and other essential fat-soluble micronutrients.

Palm oil is completely trans fat free, which makes it a wonderful ingredient for all those on weight loss marathons.
The presence of tocotrienols works well for removing carotid artery blockage and platelet aggregation, which cuts down on the occurrence of stroke, atherosclerosis, and tumors.
Since palm oil doesn’t have cholesterol, it has the potential to lower the amount of bad cholesterol and let the presence of HDL in the blood.
Palm oil is odorless and tasteless so it’s perfect option for people who don’t such as the smell and taste of the very most marketed oils.
Red palm oil enhances the effectiveness of several breast cancer drugs as much as 45% as well as inhibits the growth of cancer of the breast cells.
Other problems that can be prevented through red palm oil include macular degeneration, arthritis, cataract, osteoporosis, liver disease, and asthma.
Full of vitamin A and vitamin E, red palm oil is the best remedy for those who suffer from hair problems.

Benefits Of Eating Quinoa Daily

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Benefits Of Eating Quinoa Daily

Eating Quinoa Benefits

Eating Quinoa Benefits
Quinoa is very fast becoming well-known as one of the most healthy grains available. Although technically it’s a seed, not a grain, the truth that it is high in protein, fibre, along with other important minerals means that it may replace grains like wheat or rice like a staple dietary food.

Fight To Diabetes

Because of its high protein content, diabetics will discover this wonder food very useful in managing one’s sugar levels. Both fiber and magnesium might help a lot in burning glucose while improving insulin secretion.

Tissue Repair

Tissues become damaged from time to time. Quinoa helps in repairing broken tissues to make sure that all organs of the body always work right and try to perform at their best.

Helps with Weight Loss

The high levels of fiber within this food item can ultimately assist in weight reduction. Eating quinoa constitutes a person feel full considerably longer than usual, while keeping the body’s sugar level at regular. This gluten-free health food also reduces abdominal fats.

Heart Disease

Quinoa is known to prevent the clogging of arteries and veins which helps to relieve stresses around the heart. The fat in Quinoa is nice fat in that is lower in cholesterol and can help reduce blood pressure level thanks to the presence of potassium and magnesium. Quite simply it is a good source of protein with no drawbacks of too much saturated fats and cholesterol.

Pregnant Mums

It’s also known to be a good source of Iron which pregnant mums will always be advised to increase in their healthy diet. It’s good for tissue repair and growth and development of teeth and bones. Combined with the other benefits of Quinoa, it’s a useful source of goodness that forming babies requires in plenty as they grow.

Ways To Control Your High Blood Pressure

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Ways To Control Your High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure refers to the force of blood from the walls of arteries because it circulates through the body. Every time heart beats, it pumps out blood in to the arteries. Blood pressure is highest once the heart beats pump the blood. This is known as systolic pressure. When the heart reaches rest between beats, the blood pressure falls. It is called diastolic pressure.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is always one of the best natural remedies to reduce blood pressure and stress, but it’s a little harder to do during the holidays. Should you can’t eat healthy try to eat smaller portions. If you’re in charge of holiday food you can more natural solutions to reduce blood pressure level on the menu such as vegetables, whole grain products, and fruits.


The standard practice of yoga is among the scientifically proven natural solutions to lessen blood pressure and stress, and when you practice yoga throughout the holiday season you will have another great method to reduce your stress levels and keep your blood pressure level at a healthy level.

Use Less Salt

A fundamental part of healthy eating is choosing foods which are low in salt (sodium chloride) along with other type of sodium. Using less sodium is really a key to keeping blood pressure in a healthy level. Sodium should consume a maximum of 2.4 grams each day. It equal to 6 grams or about 1 teaspoon of salt each day. For those who with high blood pressure, should consume under that.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Actually, your blood pressure rises as the body weight increases. Losing even Ten pounds can lower your blood pressure. Returning to a healthy weight is not as hard because it sounds. You can start by limiting the portion size your meals and snacks, and cut long ago on high calorie foods.


Obtaining a massage can be a great stress reliever and massages are generally used in Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments. At the very least, a massage could be a major stress reliever and the other one of the easier natural solutions to lessen blood pressure and stress that you could rely on this holiday season if things get too hectic.

Natural Ways To Cure Sensitive Teeth Sensitive Teeth

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Natural Ways To Cure Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive Teeth

Bite some cold or hot food or suck the air through your teeth. If you feel a sudden pain, it means your teeth are sensitive! However, the pain does not stay for a long time. Sensitive teeth can hinder your joy of drinking tea and having ice-cream.

The cause of sensitive teeth is worn out enamel, which can occur from vigorous brushing, gum disease, tooth decay, teeth grinding or cracking. You can treat this painful condition with the help of home remedies. Here are some home remedies for sensitive teeth.

Desensitizing Toothpaste

Brush one’s teeth with desensitizing the toothpaste. This toothpaste desensitizes the nerves while offering respite from tingling pain, if you consume cold and hot food items.

Mustard Oil

Take one Tbsp. Mustard oil in the bowl. Mix one tsp. of rock salt within it. Massage your teeth, with the help of the pointer finger. Let it rest for 5-7 minutes. Finally, rinse orally with normal water.

Aloe Vera

Rinse the mouth area with natural aloe-vera gel. You may also massage the teeth with natural aloe-vera gel. This home cure works well for reducing the sensitiveness of teeth.

Salted Water

Add two tsp. salt in one glass of lukewarm water. Stir well. Gargle using this water twice a day: in the morning and prior to going to bed at night.


Put a number of clove oil on the cotton ball. Rub it inside your teeth. You can also rub clove oil inside your teeth directly, using the pointer finger. For effective results, try it again thrice a week.

Healthy Diet to Boost Your Mood

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Healthy Diet to Boost Your Mood

Healthy Diet to Boost Your Mood

When trying to lose weight, we often fixate on the foods we aren’t designed to eat. Focus to the delicious and well balanced meals that actually speed up metabolism, aiding in Healthy Diet to Boost Your Moodweight reduction and preventing the storage more fat. You might just get so totally hooked on green tea, yogurt, avocado and hot peppers that you simply find yourself cheating on your former favorites, this is not on your diet.

That oft-repeated adage about apples and doctors is backed by solid science. Apples really are a low-calorie, nutrient-dense source of fiber, so eating all of them with meals or as snacks will help you feel full longer. Eating an apple every day can also help prevent metabolic syndrome, a problem associated with abdominal fat, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Low-fat yogurt
Probiotics in items that contain live bacteria, like yogurt, help beneficial bacteria within the gut process food more proficiently. Low-fat or fat-free yogurt (skip the flavored versions, they’re filled with sugar!) is a great source of protein and calcium, found that eating yogurt included in a reduced-calorie diet can help burn off fat faster than going without.

Another ideal supply of lean protein, beans are filled with both soluble and insoluble fiber, that really help lower insulin levels after digestion, causing the body to store less fat. The entire process of digesting the fiber and proteins in beans burns extra calories, too.

Brown rice
The all-important fiber in brown rice and it is effects on insulin levels are why is brown rice a great metabolism-boosting food. Selecting a whole, unrefined carb like brown rice rather than white rice, white flour along with other processed carbs can be a big boon to lose weight.

A low calorie diet full of almonds can help increase weight reduction. The good monounsaturated fats in almonds not just have an effect on insulin levels, but also give dieters a feeling of satiety, so they eat less overall.

Eating dark chocolate can actually help with weight loss. The benefit comes from chocolate’s impact on stress hormones. Who ate chocolate every day had reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which prompts your body to store fat.

Similar to the capsaicin in hot peppers, heat of ginger root can decrease appetite, help with digestion, and increase metabolic rates after consuming. Try adding sliced or grated ginger for your stir-fry or tea, or combine it with baked recipes like banana bread.

Health Benefits of Eating Salad

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Health Benefits of Eating Salad

Eating Salad Benefits

Eating Salad Benefits
There is a lot of benefits in eating green salads.They’re full of vitamins,minerals and fiber including number of health benefits including weight reduction or maintaining weight. This salad is extremely light and refreshing with everything else raw and green besides beets that’s tossed with light and simple dressing.

Prevent Blood Pressure

The standard mushroom is already known to be rich in niacin which will help the body’s tissues and toxin disposal and potassium, useful in helping prevent raised blood pressure.

Great For Eyes

First, you eat food together with your eyes. Healthy salads have varied textures, shapes, colors and sizes which make them visually appealing and satisfying. We love foods that are entice our eyes as well as eat more of them.

Decrease Calories

So long as you don’t add a bunch of fried things that swim in dressing, salads are lower in calories and can help you slim down. Adding fruit and good fats for example olive oil, nuts and avocados to some salad enable the body to soak up lycopene (in tomatoes), lutein (in green vegetables), iron (in spinach) along with other nutrients.

Feel Energetic

Maintaining a healthy diet foods aid in helping the body feel energetic and full of vitality. Salads add fiber towards the diet which reduces cholesterol and constipation. High fiber salads eaten before meals tend to help you consume a smaller amount of the higher calorie foods served afterward.

Stop The Craving

 if you have a sweet-tooth that craves sugar and candy, add fruit or perhaps a fruity dressing to the salad. It will not only satisfy your craving, but it tastes refreshing and can re-energize you.

Magical Home Remedies For Dry Skin On Face

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Magical Home Remedies For Dry Skin On Face

Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies
Just as we need protection, the skin we have needs care as well. The type of care that our skin needs is dependent upon the type of skin we have. There are four types of skin-normal, oily, dry and sensitive and every type of skin has its own complications. Using a dry skin means experiencing tightness because of lack of moisture and a requirement for a proper lubricant to rehydrate it. Many natural home remedies can help improve your dry skin on face.

One should have to be very considerate towards his/her skin problems as you may know that the most common ones of all the skin issues are oil and dry skin problems. Therefore, it is very important to tell you about the home remedies for such skin tones because often over the counter remedies are not very effective in dealing with the problem at hand as compared to the home remedies.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has sufficient levels of fatty acid that make up for any lack of moisture from the skin. It really works best when left on for a whole night. Apply proper amount when it is bedtime and wash it off each morning; do this every night.

Avocado Face Mask

Avocado is an extremely effective moisturizing agent and it is therefore perfect for dry skin. Mash up avocado right into a smooth paste and affect face, leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse firstly with warm water and then splash with cold water to shut up pores.

Banana Face Mask

Banana is yet another simple everyday pantry item that makes for a perfect base to have an at home treatment for dry skin. Mix together ½ cup of low fat yogurt, ¼ ripe banana, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply mixture for your face and neck, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse.

Healthy Diet

Apple is a great fruit for healthy diet. you are taking it empty stomach each morning you will get glow skin. You should use as a face pack. Grate 1-2 apple finely and massage it in dry skin area,leave it for 20 minute and risen off it by utilizing cold water. Cucumber is also helpful for dryness. You can use it in face, neck like a dryness pack.

Honey is really a boon for natural skin care. Take half tablespoon of honey and blend it with 1-2 tablespoon of rose water. Apply on face, neck, along with other dry skin area. This will clean your skin, tones it, and causes it to be glowing.

Eat These Healthy Foods To Lose Weight Fast

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Eat These Healthy Foods To Lose Weight Fast

Healthy Diet Foods

Healthy Diet Foods
Losing weight is like a nightmare because it is certainly one of the most difficult things to do in this world. People go through a tough eating and working out routine for losing weight but still wind up achieving nothing. So rather than staying hungry for the most part of your daily life in order to lose weight, you can just adopt a healthy diet because losing weight absolutely does not means that you stop eating completely.
If you are one of those who are looking for a fast weight loss diet plan, obviously, you would want the best fast weight loss diet menu to make your ultimate goal more worthwhile. To be honest, there is no one best weight loss plan but instead there are many fast weight loss diets you may choose from. There is a compilation of the short weight loss diet plans below and look for which among these would meet your requirements best. Here are some healthy diet foods for weight loss.
Brown Rice

Abounding in fiber, brown rice provides you with a feeling of satiety therefore lowering your calorie consumption. Plus, the taste of brown rice goes well with lean chicken also is one of the foods that boosts weight loss.
Green Tea

No, it is not the caffeine that can help you to lose weight, it is the antioxidants known as catechins which play a role in speeding up your metabolic process and lowering blood cholesterol.

Salads from spinach along with other leafy vegetables works to promote weight loss. However, you do not have to eat an ordinary bowl of cabbages, make it fun and spicy with the addition of a sizable portion of chicken along with a table spoon of olive oil.

Containing a strong antioxidant, Vitamin E, almonds are thought a powerhouse for both proteins and fiber. By including almonds in what you eat, your sugar levels are maintained preventing cravings for processed foods.

Versatile yet healthy, soybeans truly are one of the best foods for weight loss. And also being a source of antioxidants, soybeans will also be rich in fiber. So whether you like them roasted, inside your morning smoothie or in liquid form, you could be sure you are shedding off some pounds.

Eat These Healthy Foods To Lose Weight Fast

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Eat These Healthy Foods To Lose Weight Fast

5 Reasons Your Teen Needs Breakfast

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5 Reasons Your Teen Needs Breakfast

teens eating breakfast

You've heard it since grade school: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But with a morning of competing priorities, snooze buttons and questionable appetites, it's easy to skip breakfast. It's estimated that 12 to 34 percent of children and adolescents regularly miss the morning meal.
While teens aren't always on board with what you say, they are easily influenced by their friends, and that includes breakfast behavior. A study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that teens are more likely to eat breakfast if their friends do, which is especially true in a social setting.
Eating a healthy breakfast (versus one that includes doughnuts or soda) can help your teen get more nutrition and even perform better at school. Need more? Check out these five reasons for your teen to eat breakfast this new school year.
Energy. Along with sleep and exercise, breakfast is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries. It's the perfect opportunity to get energy-boosting carbohydrates like whole-grain bread, oatmeal and fruit. Create a breakfast with staying power using protein and carbohydrate combos like fruit and yogurt, whole-grain cereal with milk or a whole-grain waffle with nut butter. Breakfast is an ideal way to energize so there will be no sleeping in class!
Improved concentration. Studies suggest that eating a healthy breakfast improves brain function — particularly memory and recall. This is essential for soaking up new knowledge and applying it later for a big exam.
Better grades. Research shows students who eat breakfast perform better academically. It's not fully understood why, but scientists believe it may be because breakfast supplies essential nutrients to the nervous system to rev up brain power. Or the explanation could simply be that breakfast alleviates hunger and a rumbling tummy, which can interfere with academic performance, behavior and self-esteem.
Healthy weight. Teens may think skipping breakfast is a good way to save on calories and lose weight, but quite the opposite is true. Breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than those who eat breakfast regularly. Additionally, those who eat a morning meal tend to make healthier food choices throughout the day, which can positively impact weight and long-term health.
It tastes great! This may be the most compelling reason to enjoy breakfast before a long school day. Warm up with a hearty bowl of oatmeal on a cool morning or hydrate with sweet chunks of fresh fruit and yogurt when it's warm outside. With so many options on the table, you're sure to find something that works — peanut butter on whole grain toast, fruit, eggs, yogurt or last night's leftovers … what's not to love?
Encourage eating breakfast daily at home or school and make it easy. Grab-and-go meals like a waffle with peanut butter, a boiled egg and fruit, or homemade oatmeal bars make eating breakfast a breeze.
Though it may take time, helping your teen eat a nutritious breakfast today will build healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.


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Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber and they're low in calories. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and blood pressure. So how can you eat more?

Which fruits and vegetables are best?
That’s easy: They’re all good! If you eat many different types of fruits and veggies, you’re sure to get all the different types of nutrients you need. The American Heart Association recommends filling at least half your plate with fruits and veggies in order to make it to the recommended 4 ½ cups of each per day. The good news is that all produce counts, which means canned, fresh and frozen varieties can help you reach your goal.

When buying canned, dried or frozen vegetables and fruit, be sure to compare food labels and choose the products with the lowest amount of sodium and added sugars.

Eat melon, grapefruit or other fruit.
Add bananas, raisins or berries to your cereal.
Drink a small (6-ounce) glass of juice. Be sure it’s 100% fruit or vegetable juice without excess sodium or sugar – not “fruit drink,” "cocktail" or “punch.”
Add chopped up vegetables to your eggs or potatoes. Try onions, celery, green or red bell peppers, or spinach.
Have a fruit or vegetable salad with lunch.
Put vegetables on your sandwich, such as cucumber, sprouts, tomato, lettuce or avocado.
Eat a bowl of vegetable soup. (Compare food labels and choose the product with the lowest amount of sodium you can find in your store, or make soup from scratch.)
Have a piece of fruit or raw veggie sticks instead of chips.
Keep raw veggie sticks handy, such as green or red bell peppers, green beans, celery or carrots.
Carry dried fruit, such as raisins, dates or dried apricots, in your purse or pocket.
Have any type of fresh fruit: grapes, apple, banana, orange, kiwi, etc.
On hot days, munch on a bowl of frozen fruits or vegetables, such as grapes, peas or bananas.
Have a fruit or vegetable salad with dinner.
Add a side of steamed or microwaved vegetables – frozen veggies are fine!
When you use the oven to cook your meal, put in a whole potato, sweet potato or yam at the same time.
Add chopped vegetables like onions, garlic and celery when cooking soup, stew, beans, rice, spaghetti sauce and other sauces.
When making rice, add some frozen peas for the last three minutes of cooking.
Take the Next Step
If you’re already eating plenty of fruits and veggies every day, you may be ready for the next step: include more color. All fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that may help prevent heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. Some of these nutrients are fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamin A and C. The best way to get all the various nutrients is to eat fruits and vegetables of many different colors. The five main color groups and examples in each group are listed below. Eat from as many color groups as you can each day.

Olive and Almond Oil Benefits in Urdu

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Olive and Almond Oil Benefits in Urdu

Qudrat kamlah ne roghan badam ko be shumar jamalyati fawaid khawas ata kiye hain afzaish husn ke liye qudrat ka ata kardah yeh besh baha tuhfah hai jahan tak afzaish husn ka talluq hai badam roghan aur zaitoon
Olive Oil
ke roghan ko bari ahmiyat hasil rahi hai. chehre aur badan par is ki malish taqat-o-tawanayi ki hamil hai. jild mein chamak aur nikhar paida karti hai. dunya ki namwar haseen-o-jameel auraton ne roghan badam ko afzaish jamal ke liye istemaal kia hai yahi wajah hai keh beauty clinics mein mikhtalif roghanyat ke sath roghan badam bhi kasrat se istemaal kia jata hai. roghan badam ke qadeem-o-jadeed formula mustamil hain is ke zareeye buhat se pechidah jamalyati masail hal kiye jate hain. Beautician chehre aur is ki jild ki jumlah jamalyati shikaiton ko dur karne ke liye darja zel formule pesh karte hain.
1-Chehre par acne nikalne hon, jild daghdar ho, jhaiyan pari hon, jild khurduri ya hassas ho to is surat mein cosmetic ke istemaal se khatir khua nataij hasil karne mumkin nahi. Beautician aur physiotherapist yeh kehte hain keh jild ki satah ka kheyal rakhna ya ise banana sanwarna hi kafi nahi balkeh jild ki gehrayion tak puhanchna bara zaruri hai.

2-Agar chehre ki jild buhat khushk ho aur is masamat khule hon to rozanah sone se pehle chehre ko roghan badam se masaj kia karein.

3-Make up ko tar-o-taza aur chamak dar rakhne ke liye face gamer istemaal karein jab keh roghan badam oil se behtar koi qudarti glamour nahi hai.

4-Chehre par chaiyon ka paida hona aik aam shikayat hai. chaiyan jild ki dekh bhal hi se dur ho sakti hain agar chehre par roghan badam ki aksar malish ki jaye to yeh shikayat dur ho jaye gi. 

4-Honton ki siyah rungut aur aankhon ke gird siyah halqe jism mein iron aur vitamin B ki kami ki alamaat mein desi vegetable aur fruits khayain jin mein vitamin aur iron ho. Badam roghan aankhon ke gird siyah halqon par laga kar fingers se masaj karein.

5-Garmi aur khushki ki wajah se agar chehre ki rungut mutasir hui ho to aap apni jild ki cleasing badam ki milish karein. 

6-Chehre par barfile pani ke chinte marein towel se chehre khushk kar lein chehre par badam roghan ka masaj karein is ke baad koi stringent lagayain is se jild ki tonic ho jati hai. 

7-Milk, eggs aur badam roghan baalon ki taqat dene ke liye behtareen cheez hai hafte mein do martabah eggs aur milk se baalon ko dhoyain aur rozanah raat ko badam roghan sar ko malein to baal girne band ho jate hain.

Pur Sakoon Zindagi Guzarne ka Tarika

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Pur Sakoon Zindagi Guzarne ka Tarika

Pur sakoon zindagi dunya mein sabhi ki aarzu aur nasbul ain hai. Kuch log is ke hasool ke liye dolat ka tayaqub karte hain to baaz shohrat ka sahara lene ki koshish karte hain lekin yeh sb kuch pane ke bawajood khushyon se bhar poor zindagi aik sarab sabit ho skti hai. In das sunahre asoolon par amal kar key dekhein jo aap ko khush o khurram zindagi ki rah par gamzan kar skte hain.

Yoga ki Saans ki Mshqein Karein, Achi Soch Apnayein

Subah sawere ka kuch waqt apni zehni aur jismani sehat ki behtar ke liye makhsoos kar lein. Rozana yoga ki sans ki mashqein karein. Doosron se acha rawaiya rakhein aur in se afoo dar guzar par mabni tarz amal ikhtiyar karein dushmani ke beej ko kabhi dil mein panapne ka moqa na dein. 

Sehat Bakhsh Ghiza Khayein

Tambako noshi kam se km karein ya bilkul tark kar dein. Bara gosh chiknayi aur tez masalon se bhar poor ghizayein, shaker namak ke istemaal mein ahtiyat karein.

Be Khof ho Kar Jina Sikhein

Sb se bare khof teen hain yani mot, bimari aur faqa kashi. Yaad rakhein is dunya mein aane wale har fard ko wapis jana hai yahan har aaghaz ka anjam aur ibtada ki intaha hai. Mot aik atal haqiqat hai jise koi na tal skta lehaza mot ka khof be kar aur be sood hai.

Agar hum oper wala asool apnayein to phir bimari se khofzadah hone ka bhi jawaz nahi rehta .

Sari dunya ki makhlooqat ko paida karne wale ne in ki khorak bhi wafir moqdar mein paida ki hai. Bhook mitane ka to rab kareem ne bandobast kar rakha hai lekin lalach aur hirs ka pet kabhi nahi bhar skta chunan chah apni zaroorat ko kam se kam rakhein faqa kashi ka khof khood ba khood dm tor de ga.

Manfi Soch se se Gurez Karein, Masbat Tarz Fikar Apna Lein

Khush umeedi ka daman kabhi na chorein, masbat andaz mein sochein. Muhabbat aman dostana taluqaat aur qanayat jaisi nematein inhi ko hasil hoti hain jo masbat tarz fikar rakhte hain. Nazar ishte’aal, ana parasti, hasad be sakooni aur tashaddud jaise jazbaat se door rahein.

Etedal se Kam Lein, Inteha Psandi se Bachein

Shadeed psand aur na psand key jzbaat parwan charhane se gurez karein. Agar aap kisi shakhs, cheez ya jaga ko be had psand karte hain to is se juda hone ka dukh bhi shadeed hota hai. Agar aap kisi shakhs, cheez ya jagah ko shiddat se na psand karte hain to is ka samna karna ya apna na bhi be hd tkleef dah hota hai.

Gehri Wabastagi se Bachein

Cheezon, logon ya jaghon se shadeed wabastagi ikhtiyar karne se gurez karein takeh in se door hone ka sadmah bardasht kar sakein.

Aazad Zindagi Guzarein, Doosron par Inhesar na Karein

Apna kam khood karein doosron ki madad km se km lein, khua woh afrad ka zati tayawun ho ya mashinon aur ashya par inhesar.

Zindagi key har Lamhe se lutf Andoz Hon

Motwazan zindagi guzarein. Kam khandan aur doston ke elawah apne liye munasib waqt nikalein. Apni tamam sar garmiyon se bhar poor taskeen o itminan akhaz karein, jo kuch bhi karein is se poori tarah lutf andoz hon. Kisi ne kia khoob kaha hai, aisa peshah muntakhab karein jo aap ko psand ho, phir aap ko kabhi apna kaam kaam nahi lage ga.

Apni Taraf se Poori Koshish Karein, Natijah Allah par Chor Dein

Yahi hamara nasbul ain hona zaroori hai, is ke baad is ke hasool ke liye mansubah bandi ke sath kam karein, apni taraf se bhar poor koshish karein lekin natije ki fikar na karein ise khuda par chor dein aur is ki rehmaton aur nematon ka har dam shukar ada karte rehein. 

Sadah Zindagi Guzarein 

Apni zindagi pechidgiyon ko dakhil na hone dein. Apna mowazna doosron se na karein kiun keh aise mowazna ki koi inteha nahi hoti. Sadgi saaf goyi aur shaistagi ko apna ashar banayein, “shukar yah” aur “muaf kijye” jaisse alfaz kasrat se istemaal karein. Doosron par hokum na chalayein is ke bajaye raye tajweez aur mashware istemaal karein aur phir dekhein keh aap ki zindagi kitni sehal aur aasan ho jaye gi. 

Tags: bari pur sakoon thi zindagi, pur sakoon zindagi, zindagi gulzar hai, zindagi guzarne ke usool, zindagi guzarne k asal, zindagi guzarne ka tarika
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